
Progeny of 24281 PH F005 4175  

Records 1 - 2 of 2 records found matching your criteria: Sire Reg # = 24281
  Page 1 of 1  
Links Reg # Name/Tag Sex Date of Birth Litter Size Color Marking Dam Age at Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name/Tag Breeder Owner Reg Date
27585 PH F010 6255 Ewe May 3, 2006 3 WHITE   24 27584 PH OB08 4166 PAUL J HUNTER, DVM WALTER THRELFALL Jun 4, 2015
24282 PH F008 6246 Ewe Apr 29, 2006 2 WHITE   43 21747 HAUGH 2F4 PAUL J HUNTER, DVM PAUL J HUNTER, DVM Jun 16, 2009

Click the Reg # link in the search results to go to the Sheep Info page for that animal.