
Progeny of 25523 BHK 1102 Dora  

Records 1 - 9 of 9 records found matching your criteria: Dam Reg # = 25523
  Page 1 of 1  
Links Reg # Name/Tag Sex Date of Birth Litter Size Color Marking Dam Age at Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name/Tag Breeder Owner Reg Date
29052 LCF 1616 Maple QR Ewe Feb 18, 2016 5 BROWN HST 119 26426 ELDORADO 363 STORMY D THOMAS QUINT & CATHERINE PRECHT Aug 8, 2017
29051 LCF 1617 Bella QR Ewe Feb 18, 2016 5 WHITE   119 26426 ELDORADO 363 STORMY D THOMAS QUINT & CATHERINE PRECHT Aug 8, 2017
28360 LCF 1618 Shang Ewe Feb 18, 2016 5 BROWN HST 64 26426 ELDORADO 363 STORMY D THOMAS KELLI OTTING Jun 21, 2016
28359 LCF 1614 Shawn Ewe Feb 18, 2016 5 BROWN   64 26426 ELDORADO 363 STORMY D THOMAS KELLI OTTING Jun 21, 2016
27484 LCF 15-23 Fletcher Ram Mar 26, 2015 3 BLACK HST 108 26489 BHK 1320 STORMY D THOMAS STORMY D THOMAS Apr 21, 2015
27479 LCF 15-24 Lady Ashley Ewe Mar 26, 2015 3 BLACK Badger 108 26489 BHK 1320 STORMY D THOMAS Heather Otto Apr 21, 2015
27117 BHK 1410 Ram May 1, 2014 3 BROWN HST 38 26426 ELDORADO 363 Laura Hauss STORMY D THOMAS Aug 13, 2014
27108 BHK 1408 Ewe May 1, 2014 3 WHITE   38 26426 ELDORADO 363 Laura Hauss STORMY D THOMAS Aug 13, 2014
27107 BHK 1409 Ewe May 1, 2014 3 WHITE   38 26426 ELDORADO 363 Laura Hauss STORMY D THOMAS Aug 13, 2014

Click the Reg # link in the search results to go to the Sheep Info page for that animal.