
Progeny of 28438 MPR 3834-47  

Records 1 - 8 of 8 records found matching your criteria: Dam Reg # = 28438
  Page 1 of 1  
Links Reg # Name/Tag Sex Date of Birth Litter Size Color Marking Dam Age at Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name/Tag Breeder Owner Reg Date
35094 9 TREES WA4453-2407 (158) Apricot QR Ewe Mar 7, 2024 3 FAWN Badgerface 94 31077 WILD ROSE 16-20 Hawthorne QR JESSICA DUNCAN Jessica & Jim McDonald Jun 27, 2024
35093 9 TREES WA4453-2404 (157) Balin QR Ram Mar 7, 2024 3 BLACK Badgerface 94 31077 WILD ROSE 16-20 Hawthorne QR JESSICA DUNCAN Jessica & Jim McDonald Jun 27, 2024
34478 9 TREES WA 4453 2302 Madame Hawthorne Ewe Mar 11, 2023 3 BROWN Solid 82 29858 3L 18-268 RR JESSICA DUNCAN KAISHA HAMILTON Sep 29, 2023
34226 9 TREES 2305 Cloud Ewe Mar 11, 2023 3 WHITE   82 29858 3L 18-268 RR JESSICA DUNCAN Holly Jones Jul 7, 2023
33130 9 TREES WA4453-2214 (95) Minnie Ewe Feb 8, 2022 3 BLACK Solid 69 29858 3L 18-268 RR JESSICA DUNCAN MATTHEW CASTRICUM May 25, 2022
33128 9 TREES WA4453-2203 (90) QR Tommy Ram Feb 8, 2022 3 WHITE Solid 69 29858 3L 18-268 RR JESSICA DUNCAN MARY SCHARNHORST May 19, 2022
31145 9 TREES WA4453-2028 Spike Ram Mar 31, 2020 1 BROWN Piebald 47 28015 3L 14-388 JESSICA DUNCAN JESSICA DUNCAN Jun 11, 2020
30602 WILD ROSE 32-19 Ilka Ram Mar 13, 2019 4 BROWN HST 34 30271 WILD ROSE 6-16 Garden Sage KAELI R BAILEY Ruth McCauley Sep 19, 2019

Click the Reg # link in the search results to go to the Sheep Info page for that animal.