
Progeny of 29854 3L 16-775 Kyrian  

Records 1 - 8 of 8 records found matching your criteria: Sire Reg # = 29854
  Page 1 of 1  
Links Reg # Name/Tag Sex Date of Birth Litter Size Color Marking Dam Age at Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name/Tag Breeder Owner Reg Date
33974 3L 22-231 Peanut Ewe Apr 28, 2022 5 BROWN   85 28024 3L 15-546 Meeka Dan and Leanne Hughes Dan and Leanne Hughes Feb 24, 2023
33969 3L 22-166 Andra Ewe Apr 24, 2022 3 BLACK   49 30072 3L 18-149 Dan and Leanne Hughes Dan and Leanne Hughes Feb 24, 2023
33964 3L 22-129 QR Alexandria Ewe Apr 22, 2022 3 WHITE Badgerface 37 30884 3L 19-490 RR Dan and Leanne Hughes Dan and Leanne Hughes Feb 24, 2023
33899 3L 22-244 Eboni Ewe Apr 28, 2022 3 BLACK   133 25571 3L 11-347 Dan and Leanne Hughes Cherish Duerst Jan 27, 2023
33844 Rowley MT3600-0005 Stocking Ewe May 1, 2022 2 BROWN Solid 25 31839 3L 20-726 QR Allen Rowley Allen Rowley Dec 23, 2022
33843 Rowley MT3600-0006 Cowboy Ram May 1, 2022 2 BROWN Solid 25 31839 3L 20-726 QR Allen Rowley Allen Rowley Dec 23, 2022
32951 3L 21-999 Butterscotch Ewe Mar 18, 2021 4 BROWN     28018 3L 15-507 Caramel Dan and Leanne Hughes Dan and Leanne Hughes Mar 4, 2022
32946 3L 21-962 Ewe Mar 14, 2021 4 BROWN     27279 3L 14-365 Dan and Leanne Hughes Dan and Leanne Hughes Mar 4, 2022

Click the Reg # link in the search results to go to the Sheep Info page for that animal.