Sheep Search

Records 1 - 4 of 4 records found matching your criteria: Owner ID#=461
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Links Reg # Name/Tag Sex Date of Birth Litter Size Color Marking Spotting Dam Age at Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name/Tag Dam Reg # Dam Name/Tag Breeder Owner Reg Date
23155 AUDREY JAGGARS PA3139 0081 Ram Mar 31, 2006 2 WHITE     30 22312 STILLMEADOW 556 MAGNUS 22291 GH 116 Grace Hatton LISA SHERMAN Jun 27, 2006
23154 GH 162 Ewe Mar 18, 2006 2 WHITE     12 22312 STILLMEADOW 556 MAGNUS 23008 GH 140 Grace Hatton LISA SHERMAN Jun 22, 2006
22591 HAUGH 532 Ewe Feb 2, 2005 5 WHITE     25 20959 HOUSE MOUNTAIN 549 21844 HAUGH 312 DENNY HAUGH LISA SHERMAN Apr 26, 2005
21054 GH 83 Ewe Sep 16, 2000 2 WHITE     114 19607 GH 61 16348 GH 16 Grace Hatton LISA SHERMAN May 29, 2001

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