
34577 3L 23-511 Finneas Finnegan III RR  

Sheep Info
Reg #: 34577 Sex: Ram
Name/Tag: 3L 23-511 Finneas Finnegan III RR Date of Birth: Mar 27, 2023
Sire: 32959 3L 21-970 RR Samurai    Litter Size: 2
Dam: 30874 3L 19-390 RR Shuri    Color: BROWN
Breeder: Dan and Leanne Hughes, Triple L Finnsheep Marking: Badgerface
Owner: Roberta Chase, Triple C Sheep Co Dam Age at Birth: 48 months


32959 Trip BROWN Badger b.03/14/2021

3L 21-970 RR Samurai

30093 Sngl BLACK b.04/04/2018

3L 18-286 Black Panther RR

29371 Sngl WHITE b.04/05/2017

3L 18-000 The King RR

29258 Twin WHITE b.03/18/2016

3L 16-821 Adam

29290 Sngl WHITE b.04/06/2016

3L 16-845 QR

29350 Trip BLACK b.03/05/2017

3L 17-887 QR

29259 Quad GREY Badger b.03/22/2016

3L 16-829 Pirate

27287 Quad BROWN b.03/09/2014

3L 14-407

30106 Quad BLACK b.03/06/2018

3L 18-100 Ninja QR

25544 Trip BLACK b.03/06/2011

3L 11-269 Magnum

21116 Quad BLACK b.03/08/2001


24250 Twin BLACK b.02/25/2008

3L 8-01

29279 Sngl BLACK HST b.02/27/2016

3L 16-715 Gypsy QR

26722 Quin WHITE b.03/07/2013

LHF NY103 1460

21529 Trip BLACK b.03/11/2002

3L 2-53


30874 Twin BROWN b.03/11/2019

3L 19-390 RR Shuri

30093 Sngl BLACK b.04/04/2018

3L 18-286 Black Panther RR

29371 Sngl WHITE b.04/05/2017

3L 18-000 The King RR

29258 Twin WHITE b.03/18/2016

3L 16-821 Adam

29290 Sngl WHITE b.04/06/2016

3L 16-845 QR

29350 Trip BLACK b.03/05/2017

3L 17-887 QR

29259 Quad GREY Badger b.03/22/2016

3L 16-829 Pirate

27287 Quad BROWN b.03/09/2014

3L 14-407

30108 Trip BLACK HST b.03/07/2018

3L 18-122 QR

29371 Sngl WHITE b.04/05/2017

3L 18-000 The King RR

29258 Twin WHITE b.03/18/2016

3L 16-821 Adam

29290 Sngl WHITE b.04/06/2016

3L 16-845 QR

25556 Trip BLACK b.03/01/2011

3L 11-243

22631 Quad BROWN b.03/08/2005


21203 Sngl BLACK b.03/04/2001

3L 1-16 OREO