
Progeny of 25728 ELDORADO 202  

Records 1 - 11 of 11 records found matching your criteria: Sire Reg # = 25728
  Page 1 of 1  
Links Reg # Name/Tag Sex Date of Birth Litter Size Color Marking Dam Age at Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name/Tag Breeder Owner Reg Date
29318 Medley 15-022 Ewe Feb 15, 2015 2 BROWN   44 25369 Medley 11-007 Sonar Tamara Myers Tamara Myers Dec 27, 2017
29157 Medley 15-022 Georgia Ewe Feb 15, 2015 2 BROWN   44 25369 Medley 11-007 Sonar Tamara Myers Tamara Myers Oct 2, 2017
27550 Medley 14-015 Radar Ram Feb 19, 2014 4 BROWN   33 25369 Medley 11-007 Sonar Tamara Myers Tamara Myers May 18, 2015
27264 Medley 14-026 Ewe Feb 20, 2014 3 BROWN   23 25946 Medley 12-026 Gogo Tamara Myers Kerry Mower Oct 23, 2014
27263 Medley 14-024 Ewe Feb 20, 2014 3 BROWN   23 25946 Medley 12-026 Gogo Tamara Myers Kerry Mower Oct 23, 2014
27247 Medley 14-053 Ewe Feb 19, 2014 4 BROWN   33 25369 Medley 11-007 Sonar Tamara Myers PATRICIA MAAS Oct 15, 2014
27246 Medley 14-058 Ewe Feb 19, 2014 4 BROWN   33 25369 Medley 11-007 Sonar Tamara Myers Tamara Myers Oct 15, 2014
27244 Medley 14-054 Charming Fred Ram Feb 20, 2014 3 BROWN   23 25946 Medley 12-026 Gogo Tamara Myers Leonard & Carol Gray Oct 15, 2014
26566 Medley 13-005 Hiili Ram Feb 23, 2013 3 BLACK HST 35 25572 3L 11-222 Maera Tamara Myers Evan & Kristy Bishop Nov 18, 2013
26564 Medley 13-027 Carmelita Ewe Mar 10, 2013 2 BROWN   23 25366 Medley 11-002 Cupcake Tamara Myers Tamara Myers Nov 18, 2013
26563 Medley 13-010 Nutmeg Ewe Feb 26, 2013 1 BROWN   21 25369 Medley 11-007 Sonar Tamara Myers LEANN SEROKA Nov 18, 2013

Click the Reg # link in the search results to go to the Sheep Info page for that animal.