
Progeny of 29183 ME SCF 097  

Records 1 - 8 of 8 records found matching your criteria: Sire Reg # = 29183
  Page 1 of 1  
Links Reg # Name/Tag Sex Date of Birth Litter Size Color Marking Dam Age at Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name/Tag Breeder Owner Reg Date
31431 HERDEWE 20-007 Charlotte Ewe Apr 18, 2020 3 BLACK   49 28270 HERDEWE 03 Dot SHARON BARRETTE SHARON BARRETTE Aug 31, 2020
31430 HERDEWE 20-006 Isabella Ewe Apr 18, 2020 3 BLACK HST 49 28270 HERDEWE 03 Dot SHARON BARRETTE SHARON BARRETTE Aug 31, 2020
31429 HERDEWE 20-005 Adalie Ewe Apr 18, 2020 3 WHITE   49 28270 HERDEWE 03 Dot SHARON BARRETTE SHARON BARRETTE Aug 31, 2020
30759 HERDEWE K-01 Willie Ram Mar 31, 2019 4 BLACK HST 73 26210 MILES MAX 0126 08 Katie SHARON BARRETTE SHARON BARRETTE Dec 6, 2019
30758 HERDEWE 20 Pie Ewe Apr 6, 2019 4 BROWN Piebald 25 29186 HERDEWE 09 Koch SHARON BARRETTE SHARON BARRETTE Dec 6, 2019
30757 HERDEWE 19 Sue Ewe Mar 31, 2019 4 BLACK HST 73 26210 MILES MAX 0126 08 Katie SHARON BARRETTE SHARON BARRETTE Dec 6, 2019
30756 HERDEWE 17 Matilda Ewe Mar 31, 2019 4 BLACK   73 26210 MILES MAX 0126 08 Katie SHARON BARRETTE SHARON BARRETTE Dec 6, 2019
30755 HERDEWE 16 Snow Ewe Apr 4, 2019 2 WHITE   25 29185 HERDEWE 08 Heckler SHARON BARRETTE SHARON BARRETTE Dec 6, 2019

Click the Reg # link in the search results to go to the Sheep Info page for that animal.