
Progeny of 30219 Medley 14-108 Black Star  

Records 1 - 5 of 5 records found matching your criteria: Dam Reg # = 30219
  Page 1 of 1  
Links Reg # Name/Tag Sex Date of Birth Litter Size Color Marking Dam Age at Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name/Tag Breeder Owner Reg Date
31420 ES 0115 Ewe Apr 24, 2020 4 BLACK HST 63 27872 Circle M 1577 Hugo DAVID PAFFORD DAVID PAFFORD Aug 25, 2020
31169 MEDLEY 17-033 Ewe Feb 1, 2017 3 GREY   24 25952 Medley 12-019 Pikku Tamara Myers Tamara Myers Jun 16, 2020
31103 ES 0114 Holstein Ram Apr 24, 2020 4 BLACK Piebald 63 27872 Circle M 1577 Hugo DAVID PAFFORD ANDREW PAFFORD Jun 4, 2020
31007 ES 0007 Ms Baldie Ewe May 26, 2019 3 BLACK HST 52 30236 MEDLEY 18-015 Tamara Myers DAVID PAFFORD Apr 29, 2020
30711 ES 0006 Baldie Ram May 26, 2019 3 BLACK HST 52 30236 MEDLEY 18-015 Tamara Myers DAVID PAFFORD Nov 22, 2019

Click the Reg # link in the search results to go to the Sheep Info page for that animal.